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Jan-March 2024

Surveillance & Reconnaissance in Future CBRN Operations

Timely information is necessary for optimal response to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) weapons on a battlefield. For this, CBRN Surveillance and Reconnaissance gathers intelligence about such weapons and the contaminated area by performing critical tasks on the battlefield. Rapid identification is required to take tactical decisions and to protect soldiers against CBRN hazards...

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Jan 2024

Veteran Expertise to Man Military Centres of Excellence

There is an urgent need to establish new Centres of Excellence for the Indian Military, manned by veteran specialists, to transform the Indian Military into a battle ready, future proof fighting force...


Sept 2022

CBRN Security for a Metropolitan Region

Over the years, towns have grown larger into cities and metropolitan areas. They comprise residential areas, industries, corporate offices, large and small businesses and associated governance and administrative systems. The combination of these creates many toxic scenarios and polluted environments. Especially industries using a variety of chemicals...


Dec 2023

Towards A National CBRN Security Strategy


India has a comprehensive coverage of legal instruments for all aspects of CBRN incident prevention, control, response, and mitigation. Much work has been done in the field of Radiological and Nuclear safety and security. Still, CBRN security is not given its due importance. India has belligerent neighbours on the western and northern sides....

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Mar 2022

SECURING MY CITY: CBRN Security for a Municipal Region

Over the years, towns have grown larger into cities and metropolitan areas. They comprise residential areas, industries, corporate offices, large and small businesses and associated governance and administrative systems. The combination of these creates many toxic scenarios and polluted environments. Especially industries using a variety of chemicals...


Mar 2022

CBRN industry needs growth for optimal national security

The corona pandemic has brought sanitizers to the breakfast table. The shortage of detection and testing systems for bio-threats caught us unawares. We need to review our capability to rapidly deploy Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear equipment across the country in a crisis situation. Defense Expo Feb 2020 saw merely three Indian CBRN participants

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Jan 2022

Feeling III

The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world. Millions have perished and many more have suffered its effects. Global economies have faced huge setbacks and many businesses have collapsed. The pandemic has also raised the bogey of bioterrorism. Can such a pathogen be used for terror? Are we protecting our bioresearch facilities and pathology labs adequately?


Nov 2021

Inaugural Report on National Security Challenges by Bramha Research Foundation, Mumbai

The 2008 Mumbai attacks that occurred on 26/11/2008 were a series of terrorist attacks that took place in November 2008, when 10 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamist terrorist organization from Pakistan, carried out 12 coordinated shoot...

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July 2021

A storm has shaken the nation

When will it end? That is the question everyone is asking about Covid-19. Having emerged in "Patient 0" of Wuhan around November 2019, it took just 12 weeks for the deadly virus to bring the world to a halt. In India, initial shortages of PPE, masks and ventilators were at first overcome by rapid home production and imports...

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Feb 2021

Gas Everywhere!

It was 2:45 am on 7 May 2020 in the Indian city of Vishakhapatnam (Vizag for short). Amid the sleeping
residential areas was a factory, largely shut due to the Covid-19 lockdown. The scaled down night shift staff were there for security and to monitor basic safety issues. No one dreamt that just a few minutes later all hell would break loose


Jan 2021

Fighting the last war

Col Ram Athavale emphasises the vital role of CBRN intelligence in preventing CBRN incidents, disasters. The Covid-19 crisis began in Wuhan, China in November 2019. On 31 December, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that a mysterious
pneumonia was sickening and killing dozens in China. It was only on 30 January that the
WHO declared the disease a “public
health emergency of international...


Jan 2021

Cyber Threats to CBRN Security

Globalisation, technological advancements and enhanced trade and industry has made our life much easier. While these changes and developments have brought in growth, they have their pitfalls too. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats are on the rise and the world is becoming a toxic place. CBRN security therefore is of prime concern for most nations today. In fact, it has become a key component of National Security..


Jan 2021

De-coding the CBRN Threats for Tomorrow

The Kootneeti in association with COVINTS interviewed Col. Dr Ram Athavle on CBRN Warfare. He is a pioneering spirit in the dimension of CBRN.  Col. (Dr.) Ram Athavale, is an ‘81 Batch army veteran and world’s leading CBRN expert. He has commanded an Armoured Regiment during Operation Parakram and held numerous General Staff appointments in his three decades plus active service..

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Dec 2020

Caught Napping!

The world is turning toxic with increasing proclivity to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats due to enhanced trade and globalisation. International community needs to come together to reduce such risks and take preventive measures against them. However, that can be only be done if we understand these threats and their National Security implications..

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July 2020

It's my show! No, it's mine!

Col Ram Athavale examines multiagency response operations in CBRN incidents. It is widely recognised that the multi-agency response to a CBRN incident will be challenging. It will therefore require a dynamic and joint approach by the concerned emergency services and other agencies to deliver an operationally efective, optimal and synergised response..

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July 2020


The Chemical industry is one of the oldest industries in India. It not only plays a crucial role in meeting the daily needs of the common man, but also contributes significantly towards the industrial and economic growth of the nation. Many of these chemicals are toxic, explosive, and/or reactive, thus posing a potential hazard to humans, other life forms, and the environment...

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June 2020

Where is my mask?

The current Covid19 pandemic and the urgent need to conduct tests and detect cases has led to serious thought about Indian capability to deploy rapid Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) detection systems across the country. In addition, the vanishing of masks and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) from the markets and rise...

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May 2020

National CBRN Centre Of Exellence

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) security is a matter of grave concern for many nations today. CBRN security in India is still in its early stages. There is a need to look at it from a broader perspective of internal and regional security..

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Mar 2020

Biosecurity in India: The Way Forward

India is a vast country with porous borders, a great variety of flora and fauna and an over bulging population. Climatic conditions vary from perennially humid and sultry to snow-capped. In such a cauldron of a natural ripe potion, a drop of a toxic pathogen can cause havoc..


May 2020

Preparing  for  the Possible Surge

When will it end? That is the question everyone is asking about Covid-19. Hard to imagine, it began from one, just one infected person. Patient 0 of Wuhan is said to have emerged sometime in Nov-Dec 2019. Today Covid-19 has the world in its grip. Daily death rates are alarming. While European countries claim they are beyond the peak...

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April 2020



The year 2020 begins with strange news coming from the bustling city of Wuhan in central China. Health authorities in China say that many people are being treated for pneumonia like condition from an unknown source........


April 2020


Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) security is a matter of grave concern for many nations today. CBRN security in India is still in its early stages. There is a need to look at it from a broader perspective of internal and regional security challenges that manifest in the form of CBRN terrorism, among others.

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Feb 2020

Article on combating 2019 n-Coronavirus

In Marathi language daily Sakal, Pune city

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Jan 2020

Practice Makes Perfect

CBRN incidents are on the rise and there is a need for clear understanding of threats, vulnerabilities and modus operandi for prevention and response. Managing CBRN incidents, both prevention and response, is a multi-agency afair seeking fne coordination and clear understanding of roles and jurisdictions...


Sept 2019

Lest We Perish: CBRN Incident Management

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) security is a matter of grave concern for most nations today. CBRN security in India is still in its nascent stages. There is a need to look at it from a broader perspective of internal and regional security challenges that manifest in the form of CBRN terrorism, among others.


June 2019

After Bhopal: India Rules

India’s chemical industries are mostly housed in the western and southern Indian states while major users are located in the northern states, especially with respect to consumption of agrochemicals. Since western Indian states are the major chemical producing zones, these are also the major hazardous waste-generating states..

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May 2, 2018

Stop! Who Goes There?

Managing National Borders is a complex mechanism.  Various agencies from Armed Forces, Police, Coast Guard, Paramilitary forces and Customs are engaged in securing the borders.  Optimal management of movement of personnel and goods across borders within agreed upon protocols and treaties is necessary to maintain sovereign integrity, safety and security.


April, 2018

CBRN Industry Prospects in India

The Indian Nuclear Biological and Chemical (NBC) defence programme began in late eighties as 
a core training facility at College of Military Engineering Pune in collaboration with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)...

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May 2018

Mitigating Risk

Industrial toxic accidents are almost daily happenstances: tankers with fuel or chemicals exploding, fires in chemical plants or storage warehouses, spread of unknown illness or disease and similar large casualty events. Effective communication in CBRN crisis situations can prevent public and stakeholder paranoia and assist the management agencies to restore normalcy.

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Jan 2018

Too Fast, Too Much

Industrial toxic accidents are almost daily happenstances: tankers with fuel or chemicals exploding, fires in chemical plants or storage warehouses, spread of unknown illness or disease and similar large casualty events. Effective communication in CBRN crisis situations can prevent public and stakeholder paranoia and assist the management agencies to restore normalcy.


Nov, 2018

Toxic Terror: Are We Prepared?

The distinction between internal and external security is fading. It is famously said, India has secure borders but insecure citizen. Terrorists can slip into our societies, and exploit our openness to inflict massive attacks. Analysis clearly indicates the growing possibility of CBRN terrorism in the Indian subcontinent...


May 2, 2018

Let me out! I’m choking!

World population is on the rise and cities and towns are getting overcrowded.  Tiny apartment blocks and slums are mushrooming on a daily basis.  Market places are chock-a-block and there is hardly any room for accommodating more people.  To save on space, market places are converting to malls where everything from shoes to food is concentrated in one building...


Oct 2, 2017

CBRN Border Security Challenges in Eastern Africa

Eastern Africa is a region mainly comprising of the Great lakes region and Horn of Africa.  Countries of the region are varying levels of development from those still embroiled in political instability and civic turmoil to others that are industrialising and developing rapidly...


July 28, 2017

“Do I smell something fishy?”

The smell of rotting fish is synonymous to something being wrong.  Everyday we are subjected to multifarious smells and odors, some pleasing, others noxious.  Then there are substances that are bad to touch. They may cause irritation, burns or rashes.  Others may sting your eyes.  We have a natural reflex that tells us that something is not right with this place based on our sensory inputs...


July 2017

Multinational CBRN Training

The last two decades have witnessed terrorism, militancy and newer forms of technologically-related violence involving non-state actors in many parts of the world. Obviously, this has heightened insecurity and threatened global peace we all seek. Emerging threats have indicated an increasing shift by malicious persons to use CBRNe materials and cyber technologies to cause mass destruction...


April 24, 2017

CBRN Response: The Essentials

The murder of Kim Jong-nam in Malaysia with nerve agents and the gas attacks at Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib, Syria, are gruesome reminders of the dangerously toxic world we live in. Toxic incidents are on the rise and there is a need to plan prevention and response measures with care. An incident (accident or terrorist attack) involving the use of CBRN materials, could inflict large numbers of casualties...


March 27, 2017

CBRN Security For High Visibility Events

Large public events, being high population density venues with significant politico-social importance, are highly vulnerable to CBRN terrorism. A terrorist attack involving the use of CBRN materials, could inflict large numbers of casualties and would represent a major incident for the emergency services. Administration and response forces could get overwhelmed unless proper planning and preparations are made...


Feb, 2016

Key to Excellence

Enhancing preparedness through a multi-agency and multi-national approach is critical for global efforts to thwart and respond to growing CBRN threats. Dr. Ram Athavale outlines the importance of the European Union's CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence Initiative in providing on-site technical assistance...

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July 2015

Toxic Terror & Societal Response

The threat of conventional and full scale war has faded. Nuclear saber rattling may be used as mere tools for moral ascendancy and leveraging diplomatic advantage. Globalization and revolution in Information Technology has caused a spurt in transnational terrorism...

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April 2015

CBRN Terrorism: A Reality Check

Terrorists may resort to WMD to generate widespread panic, that could bring down a democratic govt, or to establish a position of strength from which to negotiate their demands. The Tokyo nerve gas attack by the Japanese cult group, Aum Shinrikyo, on 20 March 1995, had set precedence in the use of WMD...


June 2008

Terror Forecast : RNBC Terrorism?

Terror is not new to India. Modern man is living in a violent world and undeniably, societal threshold of violence is rising. As a result, ‘People’ are already inoculated against increasing dosage levels of violence. The need to spill more blood and launch more spectacular attacks to capture headlines is becoming a compulsion because of heightened security against traditional terrorist acts...


Jan 2008

Awareness and Preparedness is the Key to Survival

Modern man is living in a violent world and under an undeniable threshold of rising societal violence. As a result, people are already preparing against various forms of violence. On the terrorist’s side, more spectacular or significantly different attacks would be necessary to receive greater attention...

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